What is with shoe sizes?

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What is with shoe sizes?
post #1

Something I noticed the other day had me thinking. So most of my friends are above 5'10 and most have size 11-12 feet. I myself, have a size 11 and I am 4+ inches shorter but I never thought I looked strange or like I had big feet. Anyone else notice that a short guy and a tall guy can have the same size feet but they never look too big or too small?

Dark Willow
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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #2

You know, I am on the short end as well and I too have close to the same size as taller friends. Then again, my one friend who is my height is a size 9 in shoes. It is strange cause mine don't look huge but his don't look small either. Now I feel like I will be looking at feet all day thanks! haha

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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #3

I never gave it a thought but now I am thinking about it and my shoe size is a 10.5 and I am 5'7 but my friend is 6' and a size 11. It is strange but I guess it depends on your frame as well.

Dark Willow
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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #4


Originally posted by GoKnicks

I never gave it a thought but now I am thinking about it and my shoe size is a 10.5 and I am 5'7 but my friend is 6' and a size 11. It is strange but I guess it depends on your frame as well.

 I think you are right on this. It must have to do with the frame. I mean why else wouldn't some of us look big/small footed?

Mr Dixon
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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #5

I am not a fan of feet so I don't think about it haha

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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #6


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I am not a fan of feet so I don't think about it haha

Had to give this a thumbs up. I don't like looking at my own let alone anyone elses.  

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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #7

I have a friend who is also a woman, she is 5'6 and has the same size feet as me but I know my feet don't look big. I have little feet. Her feet don't look small though either. Strange. haha

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Re: What is with shoe sizes?
post #8


Originally posted by Dark Willow

You know, I am on the short end as well and I too have close to the same size as taller friends. Then again, my one friend who is my height is a size 9 in shoes. It is strange cause mine don't look huge but his don't look small either. Now I feel like I will be looking at feet all day thanks! haha

You wont be alone! I have a feeling I will go in to work tomrrow and look at everyones feet haha