When is comes to women...

Short Dame
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When is comes to women...
post #1

i want to assure you guys that height is not always important to us. Some women will refuse to date a short man but that doesn't mean all women are like this. 

I used to hate being only 5' but as I got older, I realized I have it made because there are more good looking men under 5'10 then there are over that height! I am short enough to make a 5'6 man feel tall and I like this. Short women have the advantage here.

And I actually had a 5'4 boyfriend in highschool. I still felt great about it. He was cocky and confident, dressed amazingly, and he treated me like a princess. When you are confident, no matter what the height, women notice. 


Short Knight
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Re: When is comes to women...
post #2

I agree that confidence goes a long way but there will always be the Sasquatch hunters out there.