Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?

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Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #1


Short Baron
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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #2

Hey Ahimsa42, what did you think of the article you posted?

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Re: Why Are You Still Rejecting Short Guys?
post #3

i think most of the one's i have posted are quite similar with perhaps a few variations-the current one being perhaps a little more positive than some of the others.  the bottom line seems to be that unless a short man is extraordinary in some other socially acceptable way (looks, money, certain talents such as sports or music), that it is extremely unlikey that he will experience mutual romantic relationships. an average looking (though he may have an outstanding physique-something which of course for the most part is under one's control) short man is considered as being "bottom of the barrel" so to speak in the dating world and has either a lifetime of disinterest and rejection or even worse of being friendzoned to look forward to.

the options for most i guess would be to settle for someone to whom you are not attracted or to accept that in all likelihood you will be alone for the duration of your life.  of course, there are always exceptions to this but then again everyday someone also wins the lottery despite tremendous odds.  the only problem is that like the companionship lottery, buying a powerball ticket only very slightly increases one's chances from 0 to 1-300,000,000+.