Why do I get told this...

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Height Shaming
Why do I get told this...
post #1

Anytime I  am in the middle of a talk about jobs and careers we wish we had or we would be good at, I always get told I would have been a great Nascar driver or a jockey? I mean, I get it, they are all short but still, I suck at driving and I never have been on a horse!

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Re: Why do I get told this...
post #2

Just like taller thin women, attractive or not, get told she should have been a model. or real tall men get told they should have been in the NBA.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Why do I get told this...
post #3

The same reason I get told I should be a hair model. I have naturally thick, curly hair and women love it. It doesn't mean I should do commercials for hair products. People base what they see on the outside on life careers or jobs. Thank you media...

Short Knight
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Re: Why do I get told this...
post #4


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly The same reason I get told I should be a hair model. I have naturally thick, curly hair and women love it. It doesn't mean I should do commercials for hair products. People base what they see on the outside on life careers or jobs. Thank you media...


The media isn't all to blame. So many of us jut let it brain wash us and condition our thinking. 

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Re: Why do I get told this...
post #5


Originally posted by Bonez Just like taller thin women, attractive or not, get told she should have been a model. or real tall men get told they should have been in the NBA.


Best statement that could have followed. People just make judgment on appearence not intellegence or skill. 

Short Knight
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Re: Why do I get told this...
post #6

Yeah I guess that makes sense. Thanks for all your feedback on this.