Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?

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Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #1

I have heard so many women say this when talking about tall men "he must be HUGE!"

I have dated a decent amount of short men to know this isn't true. Yes, a short guy could have a short member, just as a tall guy can as well. Why do people, mostly women, assume this? Same with show size. 

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #2

I never got this either but even some of my buddies who are men comment on this. I always say, "You know, that is not fact right?" but they still continue on. I mean my one buddy seen my size a few years ago after a drunken streaking situation I would rather not talk about... lol and he knows I am not little!

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #3

This is just as bad as white guys (and women) thinking all black men are hung like horses. I hate to break it to everyone, but they are only slightly larger on average. I for one have no issues with my size and never heard any complaints.

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #4

I never let the comments bother me. I know I am not huge but I also know I am not tiny. The average size in America is 5.5 inches hard.

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #5

I had no idea that was the average. Well, if that is the case, women seem to be expecting too much LOL

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #6

@Bonez, I don't think women will complain about your size to your face. They'd either laugh silently or leave in disgust and never call you back (not saying this from experience haha). There was a map done by the Metro paper where I am from that shows that the biggest hoo has are had by Sub-Saharan Africans and Colombians.

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #7

I am actually okay with this, because every woman is surprised for some reason when I do get them into the bedroom. Like they really think penis size is directly correlated to height.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #8

I dated a man once who was 6'3. I am only 5'4 so he was a giant to me. So many woman, and friends, would say things like "Oh he must be great in bed!" or "I bet he is huge!"... I don't know who started it but it is sad. This guy was only 6 inches tops. That isn't small but it isn't HUGE by their standards. I mean heck, hasn't Shaq's ex-wife say he was only 4 inches big??

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Re: Why do people assume height accounts for penis size?
post #9

I don't pay attention to this. I know I am not a stallion or anything but I have been told on more than one occasion I know what I am doing.