Why do people tell short men to have confidence?

Short Vassal
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Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #1

Why is it that everyone's advice to short guys who struggle with dating is to "have confidence". Heightism plays an intergral role into a lot of decision making when it comes to dating preferences. I'm not saying that women who don't date short men are heighist, but you wouldn't tell an Asian or Black guy to "have confidence" if they were rejected by women of other races.


A short man could be confident in every area, but still be told to "have confidence" when being rejected repeatedly for his height. Confidence in this case won't mean a thing because a decision has already been made about his SMV.  

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Re: Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #2

CON-FOOD-YNCE is what they mean. They think that confidence is the way to deal with heightism. I agree. You would not tell someone to be confident as a way to tackle racism.

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Re: Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #3

i agree with u. confidence means have al ot of other qualities that will make up for ur shortness.. like a job that pays $200k/ year, and own 4 mansions.. that is confidence.

have u met a rich confident midget?

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Re: Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #4

LMAO. Damn does it have to be $200k/yr? Is $70K too low?

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Re: Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #5

for a girl who eats out a lot at the beverly hills restaurants and needs to replace her bmw every 2 years,

and order shoes and do heavy online shopping 4x / week yes

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Re: Why do people tell short men to have confidence?
post #6

I see, but I've been broke and lived at home at some points and have slayed more without having to flash any money or height. Maybe its because of my face smiley