Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?

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Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #1

I can be anywhere and hear women bemaon about how a guy is too short to date, how short guys gross them out and even watch them make fun of a guy because of his height to his face. The minute anything is mentioned about a woman's weight though, it's like everyone including some men are ready to throw a grenade at you. 

Last Edited By Scarface212 (2014-12-30 09:06:32)

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #2

Short answer is no one is obligated to date someone they aren't attracted to. I agree that body shaming is tasteless in any direction.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #3

Whatever you do please do not compare a woman's weight to a man's height. Men cannot change their height, which makes people who shame men for their height infinitely worse than people who shame others for their weight. Weight loss is something that BOTH men and women deal with.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #4

Yes it's not fair comparison as you told and I agree with you that we shouldn't compare weight with height as both are different aspects.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #5

While it isn't fair, think of how many of us guys judge them for not being skinny enough or not having big enough breasts/butt, and all that stuff. I honestly think men and women are more alike then they think when it comes to judging based on attraction.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #6

I have never shamed a man for being short but I have been shamed by a number of men for being short as well as being "chubby". I get that some women who are materialistic will be more about height than anything else, but we aren't all like that! My fiance to be is 5'7 and I am only 5' so he makes me feel amazingly safe.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #7

Well, a lot of men judge women based on their bodies so it is only fair. Men get away with being fat a lot easier than women. My brother for example is 5'7 and 280+ pounds, he will only date thin skinny women. He only ever dated a curvier woman once and that didn't last. He even called his own daughter fat when she was not. Now she looks like skin and bones and I blame him for it.

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Re: Why do women get a pass for body shaming men for their height?
post #8

Women get judged for their weight, bra size, and butt size and men get judged for their height, muscle size, and penis size. It is just how it is.