Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?

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Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?
post #1

Women have boob jobs, tummy tucks, plastic surgery and butt implants. Height is one of the most important attributes a man can have. Aside from Leg Lengthening which only makes our legs longer, why haven't there been any advancements in medicine to make us taller after puberty?


I don't think I'm going to grow anymore and I see all of the girls in my school only going for tall guys. I read articles on how taller men get paid more and married earlier. With all of the money they put into finding cures, why is there no cure for being short and a boy?

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Re: Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?
post #2

Rather than being like the 20 million young men before you who spent months or years looking for "miracle medicines", perhaps it would be best to concentrate on your studies and making yourself the best version of you possible. I have no interest in being taller. I am who I am. Even if you were 6'2, there would be no guarantee that women would be all over you. There probably hasn't been any discoveries in adult height research because not enough adult men care about it. There is probably no need.

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Re: Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?
post #3

Change your attitude son. This site is for people who are okay with themselves. Accept that you are short and be comfortable with yourself.

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Re: Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?
post #4

What is wrong with moving science forward? There IS a need for men to become taller and being short is a problem for boys. I have read a bunch of articles on a blog called natural height growth, but it seems like everything there is all talk.

If doctors could raise enough money and dedicate themselves to research they could be multi billionaires. This is something everyone wants and has always wanted.