Why Trump winning is great for short men everywhere

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Why Trump winning is great for short men everywhere
post #1

I did NOTE vote for Trump, but I want you to think about this. When Trump announced his candidacy, no one thought he had a chance in hell. When he was busy debating ahead of the primaries people laughed at him, made jokes at his expense and expected him to fail. When he received the republican nomination, people said he would never be president. Others even conspired against him to ensure he wouldn't have a chance. 

Sound familiar? As short men, we are underestimated all of the time, ridiculed and when we do well, others take it as a threat and do everything to protect their own ego. Trump is a well known heightist and has said mean things about short men, but this win is a win for every underdog around the globe.

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Re: Why Trump winning is great for short men everywhere
post #2

Interesting take on it. Yes, any story in which the obvious underdog is victorious interests us, indeed.  


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Re: Why Trump winning is great for short men everywhere
post #3

I do not agree with that statement.

Trump have something that prolly anyone in here wont. So much money he can buy
anything. He made his way with honesty and money. Using this as a self motivation is just unrealistic and wrong.

I do see where you are going with it, and if you find it inspiring then good for you, really.
But i dont see other people acknowledge the general issue about shorter guys and therefore an invalid point.
thats just my view.