Will I grow? 17M

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Will I grow? 17M
post #1

Hi. I am about to start my Senior year in High School and have not grown since I was 14. My parents are 5'5 (dad) and 5'2 (mom). I know they are short but I have so many friends who are taller than both of their short parents. Do I have any hope? I really do not want to be short as an adult. 

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Re: Will I grow? 17M
post #2

Focus on other things besides growing. It's possible to grow after 17, but with the height of your parents and age, it's highly unlikely. The only way to know for sure is to get an X-Ray from your doctor. Even then, it is pointless to spend your precious late teens worrying about something that may not happen. Live life to the fullest and be as bad ass as you can be.

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Re: Will I grow? 17M
post #3

Most likely not.