Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
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Poll Expired: 31-Dec-2015
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Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?

Jelly Kelly
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Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #1

I am curious to see what everyone thinks on this. I feel that it is a bit risky to say the least. I never felt like this kind of science should be done but if there was a chance for men to increase their height with this, would you do it? Do you think the HGH will ever work on height?

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #2

I honestly can't see this happening. Even if it did work, you think average joes would be given the chance to get some? No, they would use it to make super soldiers. 

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #3

No way. If they some how do manage to get it to work it would have to be done while the child is a baby or in the womb. I am not scientists but you can't just give someone hormones and make them grow taller.

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #4

I'm sure it does - but only when your epiphyseal plates are open.


Lionel Messi is the greatest example. Guy stands at a decent 5ft7 now.


For normal Joes - nah.

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #5

If you mean in the future, well anything is possible. I'm pretty sure 50 years ago no one thought a hand or face transplant would be possible.

Problem is funding. There is definitely a market for it, but those who want it aren't speaking up and lobbying for it. And there are plenty of doctors who are making money off of other endeavors. 

We will just have to wait and see. 

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #6

I say no and this is because of greed and it will be funded under the table. We wont even know about it.

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Re: Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?
post #7


Originally posted by JamesFreakingFranco

If you mean in the future, well anything is possible. I'm pretty sure 50 years ago no one thought a hand or face transplant would be possible.

Problem is funding. There is definitely a market for it, but those who want it aren't speaking up and lobbying for it. And there are plenty of doctors who are making money off of other endeavors. 

We will just have to wait and see. 

I can see what you are saying but I can't see something like this being open to anyone under upper class. It would be an exclusive thing that insurance doesn't cover and would likely cost 200 k +