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Recent Posts From shortscot
I'm sure it does - but only when your epiphyseal plates are open.
Lionel Messi is the greatest example. Guy stands at a decent 5ft7 now.
For normal Joes - nah.
Hi guys,
So i'm new, think its cool there is a forum for this - seems there is one for everything else. Im only 5ft4 (sigh).
Basically in school when everyone shot up past me circa the age of 15, it became a nightmare. My height was always brought up and the butt of a few jokes.
However, I went to university and suddenly it wasn't that big a deal. Guys never brought it up or laughed, there were loads of other short guys. Woman didn't care. Infact I've had a tonne of success dating/hook up wise here.
I feel like the girls at uni are so much more cultured and intellectual, they aren't as superficial as the hometown girls. I dunno.
Anyway, im leaving this year and it is worrying me. I won't be on the student social scene and I feel i'l flounder in the 'real world'.
How do i carve out an identity? It just feels like short guys can't really be anything. You can't be the strapping athletic guy, or the cool alternative dude. Your just.....short.
Dating seems like it will be hard. There isn't the social scene of student life. You're in the working world full time. In nightclubs i notice that it is very hard for short guys to get attention. The girls flock round taller guys - even if they are really ugly.
I've been successful on Tinder (in terms of matches). Woman do find me attractive but they obviously don't know my height. In decent shoes I'l reach 5ft6 but that's nothing. I worry about going on dates and feel im not good enough for them. Even though im funny, athletic, ok looking and intelligent. It just feels like height is the top trump.
How do you guys cope?