Woman marries short man because he puts up with her

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Woman marries short man because he puts up with her
post #1

Woman Settles For Short Man Because He Puts Up With Her | Short Kingz | Short King

Couldn't be any clearer. She settled for him full stop. 

Short Knight
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Re: Woman marries short man because he puts up with her
post #2

This is the WORST! As a shorter guy, especially when older, you have to pay attention to the "why" when dealing with people and not just live in the moment. When dating, it's figuring out whether the person is into you and not what you might be able to do for them.

When I say "do" for them, I don't mean in the near term, but in the day-to-day and the long term. I know many women get upset when you judge them by their pasts, but when getting into anything long term, it is a MUST. 

That guy in the story is going to be in for a rude awakening 5-10 years in. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Woman marries short man because he puts up with her
post #3

Rule #1 - Don't be the man she settles for. That has nothing to do with height either!