Women roundtable. Most say they would date shorter men... with a catch

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Women roundtable. Most say they would date shorter men... with a catch
post #1

Many of them claim they would date a man shorter than them in the beginning, but not surprisingly raise the bar when they discuss heels and feeling as if they'd be the more dominant one in the relationship. The video is a bit of a waste. By the end, they all concede that they'd rather date average to tall. 

Short Vassal
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Re: Women roundtable. Most say they would date shorter men... with a catch
post #2

The hilarity ensures. This was like watching a tornado spinning or a second hand make its revolution on an analog clock. From "for" to "against" within minutes. 

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Re: Women roundtable. Most say they would date shorter men... with a catch
post #3

It's unfortunate that they couldn't just be straightforward from the jump. If you like something, just say that.