Would you date a woman who has a kid?

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Would you date a woman who has a kid?
post #1

Would you ever date a woman who happens to have a kid already? I personally don't think it's a problem, but I am already in a relationship and if my girlfriend had a kid, I think I'd be fine with it. Anyways, would you date a woman with a kid? What if this woman you just started to date didn't tell you right away, would you still go through with the date or future dates with her? 

Maid Marian
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Re: Would you date a woman who has a kid?
post #2

Most of my girlfriends have kids and when they meet a guy I tell them to let him know right away. If she doesn't tell you, then it's lying by omission. Why would you want future problems?

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Re: Would you date a woman who has a kid?
post #3

I prefer not to date women with children and say so in my dating profile. If I met someone IRL and later found out she had A kid, I would probably be okay still if the kid was really young......... like under 5.