How does it make you feel?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 31-Dec-2015
I am pissed off
25% of voters (1 Votes)
I found it funny
25% of voters (1 Votes)
The truth hurts
50% of voters (2 Votes)
I could care
0% of voters (0 Votes)
4 Total votes

Wow this image...

Jelly Kelly
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Wow this image...
post #1

Short Knight
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Re: Wow this image...
post #2

I voted the truth hurts. Based on stats, most of what is shown in the picture is true. Taller men get more for doing less and short men get less for doing more.

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Re: Wow this image...
post #3

Pissed here. I get what the message is getting across but not all short men struggle this much and not all tall men are stupid. Those are both horrible things to say!

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Re: Wow this image...
post #4

I'm not going to lie, I laughed. Why? This is stereotyping at its finest. I think it was made to be a joke. Not all tall men are even attractive. Most look weird as hell. Look at Basketball players.

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Re: Wow this image...
post #5


Originally posted by SharkApple

Pissed here. I get what the message is getting across but not all short men struggle this much and not all tall men are stupid. Those are both horrible things to say!

I agree with this. How is this making short men look better??