Re: Anyone come across taller people who think they earned their height?
post #3
One of my friends in 6'5". I don't see him a lot, but a few times a year. I remember how proud he was one time, boasting that HE had achieved his goal of growing so tall. I laughed out loud, and he was taken aback. I pointed out that the same God that designed him to be tall designed me to be 13" shorter than he was, and that he actually had NOT achieved anything whatsoever. I pointed out that each of is given a stature, stamped in stone, for life, outside of our control.
He never tried that on me again, though he has mentioned the disparity in our height far more times than I would have liked over the years. It's a factual mention, not insulting, but I just wonder why it has to be brought up at all. I've concluded that, oddly, he feels somewhat uneasy around me because he sees me as highly intelligent and accomplished. So, it's his problem, not mine. I purposely placed him on one of my committees and we have enjoyed 18 years of friendship, despite this issue. Side note-- about 2 years ago he stopped bringing up the height issue nearly every time he saw me. Either he figured it out or a mutual friend told him to stop mentioning it. I enjoy his presence much more now.