Are you open to dating women of any race?

Short Vassal
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Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #1

I feel like at my height, it helps you to understand how stupid biases are. I find all races of women attractive and can't understand why someone would limit themselves, but can't help thinking that sometimes being short makes me really understand it. How about you?

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Re: Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #2

White women are cool

Black women are cool

Hispanic women are cool

Asian women are cool

Indian women are cool

Middle eastern women are cool

Did I leave anybody out?

Personality good = I'm in.

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Re: Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #3

I prefer to date Asian women but I don't discriminate. You can find beauty anywhere and it's not fair to rule out a whole race of people, especially when you don't choose your race.

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Re: Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #4

Race is not a factor for me. As long as I find her attractive and she has a nice personality, then it's a go.

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Re: Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #5

I prefer Hispanic women because I identify with them most culturally. If I met a black, asian, white or whatever woman who I thought was pretty I would give it a shot.

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Re: Are you open to dating women of any race?
post #6

I dont find Asian and "very" black women attractive.

Ofc, i've seen attractive women of all races.

But im open for it, i value personality much much heigher!