Re: Is this how people see us?
post #2
I think the general issue is self-awareness.
Constantly trying to figure out where we are in the foodchain reguarding dating.
How good looking are we, and what can we get?
As a short guy you need accept that you will always get the left overs. Fat unattractive and already used up women.
How ever, once in a while a girl that actually is different will come by, and thats when you need get your *bleep* together.
But basically yes. We just dont realize that us being short actually makes us super ugly and viewed as the nerd on the picture.
We think more highly of ourselves cause we do so much to look and be better. But in reality we are just as ugly as what we find unattractive.
And another important factor, is that women always tend to overscore due to the new socially acceptable things reguarding dating and hookups