Accutane to blame?

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Height Growth
Accutane to blame?
post #1

I was growing normally until I took Accutane. My Mom is 165cm and my Dad is 180cm. At the age of 12 I was 152cm. At the age of 14 I was 168cm. All graphs, charts, and calculations predicted that I would be around 180cm, the same height as my dad. Then I did an Accutane course, which finally got rid of my bad acne (nothing else worked). However, when I got myself measured at 15, I was still 168cm. I never grew again. I'm now 29. For the longest time I wondered why I had so quickly slid down the height charts, and so did my parents, relatives, and family friends. At first I thought it was my less than ideal nutrition as a teenager, or the fact that I didn't sleep enough or some other environmental thing. But then I read testimonies from others who said Accutane stunted their potential, and it all started to make sense. The timeframe coincided perfectly. I got used to being short though, it doesn't bother me anymore. But it's crazy how many people are taller than me nowadays. They say the average female is 5ft 4, but in my experience it seems like 5ft 6 is more accurate. And when I go out to bars and girls are wearing heels, I'm shorter than most of them. Anyone have a similar experience with Accutane?

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Height: 5'2
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Re: Accutane to blame?
post #2


Originally posted by shortrussian

I was growing normally until I took Accutane. My Mom is 165cm and my Dad is 180cm. At the age of 12 I was 152cm. At the age of 14 I was 168cm. All graphs, charts, and calculations predicted that I would be around 180cm, the same height as my dad. Then I did an Accutane course, which finally got rid of my bad acne (nothing else worked). However, when I got myself measured at 15, I was still 168cm. I never grew again. I'm now 29. For the longest time I wondered why I had so quickly slid down the height charts, and so did my parents, relatives, and family friends. At first I thought it was my less than ideal nutrition as a teenager, or the fact that I didn't sleep enough or some other environmental thing. But then I read testimonies from others who said Accutane stunted their potential, and it all started to make sense. The timeframe coincided perfectly. I got used to being short though, it doesn't bother me anymore. But it's crazy how many people are taller than me nowadays. They say the average female is 5ft 4, but in my experience it seems like 5ft 6 is more accurate. And when I go out to bars and girls are wearing heels, I'm shorter than most of them. Anyone have a similar experience with Accutane?

Not a doctor but can confirm reading a bunch of posts online where users claim that Accutane stunted their growth. I think that if you visited an endocrinologist, he or she would say that you came out fine because you're within the heights of both of your parents. Remember, growth charts aren't 100% accurate.

They said I was going to be 5'9 lol. I didn't end up that tall.