Do you have genuine hatred towards women?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 24-Apr-2019
Yes, far majority of them
66% of voters (2 Votes)
No, not at all
33% of voters (1 Votes)
Only those I hear about on the social media
0% of voters (0 Votes)
3 Total votes

How many of you have genuine hatred towards women?

Short Knight
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How many of you have genuine hatred towards women?
post #1

It would be a secret if i told you, that many of you lashes out whenever you hear something about women talking about heightism.
I too have done that.

So im a bit curious, do you guys really hate women in general? or just those who

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Re: How many of you have genuine hatred towards women?
post #2

ugly women, who were born with some genetic defect that might making them physically unattractive no matter what I have a sympathy on, but the far majority of women, especially younger women who wear provactive clothes in order to tease a guy I have a hatred on

Short Vassal
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Re: How many of you have genuine hatred towards women?
post #3

Hate is a strong word, I think there was a discussion covering a same subject already. I dislike women at some levels but I try to keep ignoring them like they ignore my existence. It is what happens to me, they come, they cross, finished. Sometimes I hate it when they address or obviously trying to show that I'm short but it's not always women, men are real savages sometimes. Lol.