For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good

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For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #1


Prior research investigating the mate preferences of women and their parents reveals two important findings with regard to physical attractiveness. First, daughters more strongly value mate characteristics connoting genetic quality (such as physical attractiveness) than their parents. Second, both daughters and their parents report valuing characteristics other than physical attractiveness most strongly (e.g., ambition/industriousness, friendliness/kindness). However, the prior research relies solely on self-report to assess daughters’ and parents’ preferences. We assessed mate preferences among 61 daughter-mother pairs using an experimental design varying target men’s physical attractiveness and trait profiles. We tested four hypotheses investigating whether a minimum level of physical attractiveness was a necessity to both women and their mothers and whether physical attractiveness was a more important determinant of dating desirability than trait profiles. These hypotheses were supported. Women and their mothers were strongly influenced by the physical attractiveness of the target men and preferred the attractive and moderately attractive targets. Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favorably than their counterparts only when they were at least moderately attractive. Unattractive men were never rated as more desirable partners for daughters, even when they possessed the most desirable trait profiles. We conclude that a minimum level of physical attractiveness is a necessity for both women and their mothers and that when women and their parents state that other traits are more important than physical attractiveness, they assume potential mates meet a minimally acceptable standard of physical attractiveness.


We evaluated five competing hypotheses about what predicts romantic interest. Through a half‐block quasi‐experimental design, a large sample of young adults (i.e. responders; n = 335) viewed videos of opposite‐sex persons (i.e. targets) talking about themselves, and responders rated the targets' traits and their romantic interest in the target. We tested whether similarity, dissimilarity or overall trait levels on mate value, physical attractiveness, life history strategy and the Big Five personality factors predicted romantic interest at zero acquaintance and whether sex acted as a moderator. We tested the responders' individual perception of the targets' traits, in addition to the targets' own self‐reported trait levels and a consensus rating of the targets made by the responders. We used polynomial regression with response surface analysis within multilevel modelling to test support for each of the hypotheses. Results suggest a large sex difference in trait perception; when women rated men, they agreed in their perception more often than when men rated women. However, as a predictor of romantic interest, there were no sex differences. Only the responders' perception of the targets' physical attractiveness predicted romantic interest; specifically, responders' who rated the targets' physical attractiveness as higher than themselves reported more romantic interest.

So, according to research and science, the "massive role" personality and confidence play in attracting women is... no role at all.

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #2


Originally posted by batmanbegins

So, according to research and science, the "massive role" personality and confidence play in attracting women is... no role at all.

Keep living your life in "research" you hopeless insecure incel. Studies say black and hispanics get incarcerated more, yet there are so many successful black and hispanic individuals.

Again, you haven't proven anything except that you don't get out, hide behind your computer all day looking up "studies", have no game, no self worth, no experience with interaction with women and are proving that you're a miserable washed up loser.


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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #3


Originally posted by Suarez223


Originally posted by batmanbegins

So, according to research and science, the "massive role" personality and confidence play in attracting women is... no role at all.

Keep living your life in "research" you hopeless insecure incel. Studies say black and hispanics get incarcerated more, yet there are so many successful black and hispanic individuals.

Again, you haven't proven anything except that you don't get out, hide behind your computer all day looking up "studies", have no game, no self worth, no experience with interaction with women and are proving that you're a miserable washed up loser.


Just shut up already and come back when you have something real to discuss about because I'm tired of making fun of you.

Ever since I came here I have done nothing but prove things, provide all the facts. Meanwhile you have done nothing but all these cheap lame accusations, accusing someone on the internet you never even met, you don't even know how they look like "an incel", "hide behind computer", "no game", "no self worth", "no experience with interaction with women" without providing any proofs wouldn't make me more insulted as you believe but just make you look like a joke. Something any 5 year old kid can easily do.

What makes it even funnier is that I'm not the one complaining about being underestimated in real life because of my height:


Last Edited By batmanbegins (2020-09-19 03:23:34)

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #4


Originally posted by batmanbegins


Just shut up already and come back when you have something real to discuss about because I'm tired of making fun of you.

Ever since I came here I have done nothing but prove things, provide all the facts. Meanwhile you have done nothing but all these cheap lame accusations, accusing someone on the internet you never even met, you don't even know how they look like "an incel", "hide behind computer", "no game", "no self worth", "no experience with interaction with women" without providing any proofs wouldn't make me more insulted as you believe but just make you look like a joke. Something any 5 year old kid can easily do.

What makes it even funnier is that I'm not the one complaining about being underestimated in real life because of my height:


You have proven nothing! And no one seems to get your "jokes" here because pretty much everyone here is making fun of you!

You are detached from society and living life on computer research instead of getting out in the real world.

Here in NYC everyone sees short men with girlfriends, marriages, businesses, respect and successful, yet you walk around preaching, "well THIS study here says...."

No one cares! You don't get this! While you cry into your morning cereal, we're out here enjoying our lives.

Sucks that you can't nor can enjoy yours. 

You are completely pathetic.

Why don't you shut up, get your leg lengthening and be done with it already so you can get your "respect" lol. . 


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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #5


Originally posted by Suarez223

You have proven nothing

Yes, to idiots I have proven nothing.


Originally posted by Suarez223

And no one seems to get your "jokes" here because pretty much everyone here is making fun of you!

Oh *bleep*, being made fun by an army of short people. Brb leaving this forum cuz feeling insecure and ashamed now. LOL


Originally posted by Suarez223

Here in NYC everyone sees short men with girlfriends, marriages, businesses, respect and successful, yet you walk around preaching, "well THIS study here says...."

Originally posted by Suarez223

No one cares! You don't get this! While you cry into your morning cereal, we're out here enjoying our lives.

Says the same guy who says:


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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #6


Originally posted by batmanbegins

Says the same guy who says:


All he said was it's annoying that people underestimate him. It does not mean that he isn't confident and comfortable with himself. Those are two different things.

The difference between you and him is that people underestimating you would break you, where with him, it's just an annoyance, but he also accepts that reality.

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #7


Originally posted by TheGreatest


Originally posted by batmanbegins

Says the same guy who says:


All he said was it's annoying that people underestimate him. It does not mean that he isn't confident and comfortable with himself. Those are two different things.

The difference between you and him is that people underestimating you would break you, where with him, it's just an annoyance, but he also accepts that reality.

No one's talking about being confident and comfortable with himself here.

And if you're not illiterate, I literally just taught you a few things about confidence, personality, etc.

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #8


Originally posted by batmanbegins


No one's talking about being confident and comfortable with himself here.

And if you're not illiterate, I literally just taught you a few things about confidence, personality, etc.

What have you taught about confidence is because you have none. All you do is complain about being short.

Last Edited By TheGreatest (2020-09-19 07:25:20)

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #9


Originally posted by TheGreatest


Originally posted by batmanbegins


No one's talking about being confident and comfortable with himself here.

And if you're not illiterate, I literally just taught you a few things about confidence, personality, etc.

What have you taught about confidence is because you have none. All you do is complain about being short.

No, all I do is be realistic. Sorry to break it to you big_smile

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Re: For you positive cultists who say that men don't need to look good
post #10


Originally posted by batmanbegins

No, all I do is be realistic. Sorry to break it to you big_smile

I will say batmanbegins, you've made this place interesting. I've been following your posts for a little while

I don't agree with much of what you say, but I am curious. I have two questions:

1. What do short men need to do?

2. What would make this place better since you don't like how many of the people are here?