Pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men

Short Knight
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Small Talk
pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #1

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #2


Originally posted by Buncome

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

You are so negative lol... and also very wrong. Here's why

#1. A fat ugly woman can still get laid

#2. Men aren't judged entirely by their beauty. 

A short man can build himself up, become wealthy or successful in other areas and live a fulfilling life and attract women.


Get out and experience the world dude. Someone like you lives in their mom's basement and thrive in incel spaces and breathe that mentality. 


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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #3


Originally posted by TheDestroyer

You are so negative lol... and also very wrong. Here's why

#1. A fat ugly woman can still get laid

#2. Men aren't judged entirely by their beauty. 

A short man can build himself up, become wealthy or successful in other areas and live a fulfilling life and attract women.


Get out and experience the world dude. Someone like you lives in their mom's basement and thrive in incel spaces and breathe that mentality. 

Except men are judged by their "beauty".... otherwise "6ft and up" wouldn't even be a thing and you wouldn't be interested in lifting. How idiotic do you sound right now?

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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #4


Originally posted by TheDestroyer


Originally posted by Buncome

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

You are so negative lol... and also very wrong. Here's why

#1. A fat ugly woman can still get laid

#2. Men aren't judged entirely by their beauty. 

A short man can build himself up, become wealthy or successful in other areas and live a fulfilling life and attract women.


Get out and experience the world dude. Someone like you lives in their mom's basement and thrive in incel spaces and breathe that mentality. 


become wealthy? is that something easy to achieve? unless you are a rock star or a professional athlete, if you become wealthy you in all likely are selling your soul and becoming a part of the evil corporate soul sucking structure that our society is based on, and are you basically saying become rich so that is the way you are attractive to females? so do something that is not natural (selling your soul to get rich) and than a female who wouldn't give you the time of day if you are middle class or poor will than want to date you, you think she is actually attracted to you?

and as the above poster said, Men ARE judged by their beauty, beauty to woman and other men is being a tall male, if you are a short male you are ugly to woman and not respected by other men

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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #5



Originally posted by d11221


become wealthy? is that something easy to achieve? unless you are a rock star or a professional athlete, if you become wealthy you in all likely are selling your soul and becoming a part of the evil corporate soul sucking structure that our society is based on, and are you basically saying become rich so that is the way you are attractive to females? so do something that is not natural (selling your soul to get rich) and than a female who wouldn't give you the time of day if you are middle class or poor will than want to date you, you think she is actually attracted to you?

and as the above poster said, Men ARE judged by their beauty, beauty to woman and other men is being a tall male, if you are a short male you are ugly to woman and not respected by other men

This is why I said us men aren't entirely judged by our "beauty". It's only a part of the package. More important to some women, less important to other women.

Using your argument (which is flawed), you suggest that a woman wouldn't give you the time of day if you were middle class or poor. So what? That is not exclusive to short men. Women by design are evolutionary to attracted to men with more resources than those with less. This is why someone like Napoleon, Prince or Jeff Bezos could have wives, multiple girlfriends and attention on demand. 

This means if you were 5'10 and homeless or poor, you'd still be invisible or "ugly".

More importantly, what is the difference if she were attracted to you for your resources or not? Dr. Dre is 6ft and has to pay his ex-wife $300,000/mo. Tall and average height men get sent to the cleaners in divorce court and cheated on every day.

Wealth is not supposed to be easy to achieve. You are a man, you are designed to work and build. We are judged as much by this as we are our looks. Not everyone is "born beautiful". At least men have a way to move out of their physical caste. For this reason, I am happy I am born male. 

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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #6


Originally posted by Buncome

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

Man this is just a horrible outlook on life. You can still find fulfillment and joy even if you’re short. Same goes for fat women who you deem unattractive. I think that short guys being *bleep* on is similar to how pretty privilege can impact women, but I’m not going to call people who are content with their height (something they really can’t change) delusional. It’s just projecting your own insecurity onto others. 

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Re: pretty privilege for women = tall privilege for men
post #7


Originally posted by Buncome

you are delusional if you think there is anything good about being short. being short is the equivalent of being a fat ugly woman. 

Being short is worse than being a fat ugly woman, it's not equivalent at all.  Fat ugly women can still get laid by good looking guys, I've seen it many times.  Also, they can lose weight.