UK Deputy Labor Leader Calls Prime Minister "Pint-Sized Loser"

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UK Deputy Labor Leader Calls Prime Minister "Pint-Sized Loser"
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GQ Magazine | UK Labor Leader Angela Rayner calls Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Pint-Sized Loser | Heightism | Short King | Short Kingz

"Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner stood at the dispatch box during PMQs and took aim at Rishi Sunak, calling him a 'pint-sized loser' ".

She really went for the jugular..... But this was her two years ago:

UK Deputy Labor Leader Angela Rayner Takes Out Bank Loan For Boob Job | Height Shaming | Short King | Short Kingz

Isn't always ironic that the people who are quick to height shame would have a fit of epic proportions if someone shamed them for something they couldn't control, or for something which they were insecure about..... like her chest which she took a bank loan for. How would the media treat the PM if the insults flew in the other direction first?

Article can be found here. (GQ Magazine)

Article can be found here. (Daily Mail). 


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Re: UK Deputy Labor Leader Calls Prime Minister "Pint-Sized Loser"
post #2

If there was one thing good to come from, it's the press around it. There are a lot of commentators defending the Prime Minister, even if they don't agree with him on policy.