Short woman concerned about her sons being short

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Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #1

Short Woman Concerned About Her Sons Being Short | Short King | Short Kingz

Completely self-aware, but will be crushed if her sons end up being short and find out about how their own mother viewed men like them during her own time.

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #2

I have an online friend who is Guatemalan, raised here in the states and is about 5'1. She recently posted that her cousin got married at 46 and made a big deal about it. The post said, "My cousin finally got married and had his first kid at 46". I immediately knew why that might be and it's in that post.

"because around that age, many women look for a stable provider to marry and are willing overlook short height".

The key is to be able to pick up on that when dating. Yeah, no thanks.

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #3

of course-this is because the vast majority of women find short men to be anywhere from invisible to repulsive.  they are very much aware at how they view short men themselves and would never want the fruit of their own loins to experience what they have done to men of below average height.

it is best to remember that women do not compare their own height to a mans height but instead compare a mans height to other men.  in fact, personally i have found shorter women to be among the most heightiest (along with tall women of course).


Last Edited By ahimsa42 (2024-05-19 09:15:24)

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #4

I don't have a problem with shortie. What I take issue with is when we use the same logic and reject certain women because we might be concerned about what our potential daughter may have to deal with. Voice your opinion about this and they will loose their ISH.

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #5

a lack of height for a women can increase her femininity while the single biggest factor to women in regards to a mans masculinity is his height so most women find shorter men to be much less masculine than a taller man.

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #6


Originally posted by ahimsa42

a lack of height for a women can increase her femininity while the single biggest factor to women in regards to a mans masculinity is his height so most women find shorter men to be much less masculine than a taller man.

This observation is too one-dimensional, but not entirely false. I can agree that on first observation (which I concede matters a lot), larger stature will appear as more masculine and work in a guy's favor, but what also works in our favor is that we have other areas that we are judged by as well which may matter more to many women. There are height queens out there, no doubt.

I've "stolen" many women from taller guys in my younger years and I'm not tall at all so.....

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #7

your "younger years" is the key though.  in the past, prior to social media & dating apps, it was far easier for men who are not in the top 20% of attractiveness.  currently, since women have top tier men from around the world giving them attention, they want nothing to do with anyone but the best men.

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #8


Originally posted by ahimsa42

your "younger years" is the key though.  in the past, prior to social media & dating apps, it was far easier for men who are not in the top 20% of attractiveness.  currently, since women have top tier men from around the world giving them attention, they want nothing to do with anyone but the best men.

But I also don't struggle now. What is your excuse for that? On and off social media. I have women who message me even if they have "no men under 5'10" on their profiles. This "wanting top tier men" nonsense is based on some truth, but way overexaggerated. Taller men have their pick, but there are billions of people on the planet, and women right here who are more less concerned with height.

I read here that you're 5'6. If you were 5', then I'd get it, but come on....

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Re: Short woman concerned about her sons being short
post #9


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by ahimsa42

your "younger years" is the key though.  in the past, prior to social media & dating apps, it was far easier for men who are not in the top 20% of attractiveness.  currently, since women have top tier men from around the world giving them attention, they want nothing to do with anyone but the best men.

But I also don't struggle now. What is your excuse for that? On and off social media. I have women who message me even if they have "no men under 5'10" on their profiles. This "wanting top tier men" nonsense is based on some truth, but way overexaggerated. Taller men have their pick, but there are billions of people on the planet, and women right here who are more less concerned with height.

I read here that you're 5'6. If you were 5', then I'd get it, but come on....

perhaps if it were only my lack of height then it may have been different but i am also bald & below average facially. the only thing i have going for me is what i have under my control-i.e. physical fitness. in fact,  i have not had a single date in over 8 years now & have experienced nothing but complete failure & rejection, even from women whom i was 199% certain were attracted to me.  it's not just me either as according to stats, many, many men are single & have not had sex in years.  i am 100% certain that if i were 5'10 & had the hair i was born with things would have been far better but neither were meant to be.