Mayweather gets owned by Maria Sharipova

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Mayweather gets owned by Maria Sharipova
post #1

Anyone see this GIF? Every year they do some insidious height joke that everyone gets a laugh out of and it usually demans short guys in the process. Mayweather is one of the highest paid athletes in the world and still can't catch a break. 


Mayweather Sharipova


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Re: Mayweather gets owned by Maria Sharipova
post #2

It looks like Floyd was having a good time. He has no reason to prove his masculinity with all of the belts and endorsements he has. Don't look into this one too much.

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Re: Mayweather gets owned by Maria Sharipova
post #3

Stop looking for bad blood where there isn't any. This was a fun moment, that's it. Mayweather has nothing to prove.

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Re: Mayweather gets owned by Maria Sharipova
post #4

Both look comfortable with their heights. That's what I see here. Nothing more, nothing less.