Woman walks out on short guy on dating show

Short Knight
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Woman walks out on short guy on dating show
post #1

I remember this episode when it was on and recently came across it again. I thought I'd share.

The show's premise is that people will get to know others in a dark room. They can't see, so all they can go off is conversation and their personalities. 

This woman is an entrepreneur and is looking for a partner. They click, but she notices his short height when they dance together (in the dark.). 

The video starts at 8 min and 41 sec. 

Short Knight
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Re: Woman walks out on short guy on dating show
post #2

Forgot to add the part where she actually walks out. She just couldn't get passed his height.

Short Squire
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Re: Woman walks out on short guy on dating show
post #3

She's a 4 in the face at best. No disrespect to her, but he is her equal in terms of SMV. Even with that, I think he could do way better than her. That show was on ages ago. I hope he ended up finding someone. 

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Re: Woman walks out on short guy on dating show
post #4

This clip was popular on social media a long time ago. I still think the same! She did him a favor! 

He could do a lot better than her.

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Re: Woman walks out on short guy on dating show
post #5

And legend has it that to this day, she is still single.