Tall women who think they have it hard are annoying

Short Vassal
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Giant Syndrome
Tall women who think they have it hard are annoying
post #1

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Tall Women Who Think They Have It Hard Are Annoying | Height Insecurity | Short King | Short Guys | Short Men

Being taller than men around them, "the horror"!

Short Page
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Re: Tall women who think they have it hard are annoying
post #2

"Annoying" is accurate. All of their "problems" are self-caused or are complimented. 

Short Lord
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Re: Tall women who think they have it hard are annoying
post #3

Too many positives to being a taller woman to be complaining about trivial annoyances.

All of the awkward experiences of youth typically level out, especially as you move up in your career.