Woman doesn't mind 6'8 GigaTyrone having 8 kids and 3 baby moms

Short Knight
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Height Thirst
Woman doesn't mind 6'8 GigaTyrone having 8 kids and 3 baby moms
post #1

Anyone surprised at her applauding and positioning herself to share this toxicity?

Short Knight
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Re: Woman doesn't mind 6'8 GigaTyrone having 8 kids and 3 baby moms
post #2

Very well known fact that many women share tall guys knowingly or unknowingly.

Whenever a female friend tells me about some guy they had a kid with and the guy left, or that some guy they know has several kids and several baby moms, I always ask how tall the dude is.

99.9% of the time, the guy is very tall, so no shock here.

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Re: Woman doesn't mind 6'8 GigaTyrone having 8 kids and 3 baby moms
post #3

Not surprised at all.

Once was talking to a single mother in my naive days.

On the second date, she told me that her kid's father had nine other kids with six other women.

Yes, you read that right. Nine with seven women.

And she was number SEVEN!

I remember asking him how tall he was and she said he was 6'6.

This was over 10 years ago too so it definitely happens.