What's your favorite meal?

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What's your favorite meal?
post #1

I am a bit of a food lover. I haven't found many foods I don't at least like. lol

My favorite meal has to be a prime cut steak with mashed garlic potatoes, and steams broccoli and asparagus. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #2

I am simple. Give my a big beefy hamburger and some nicely cooked fries and I am good to go! haha

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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #3

Anything with meat and some form of potatoes. LOL Seriously. Burger and fries, steak and baked, grilled chicken and mashed, fish and chips.

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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #4

Uggg Now I want a burger. I am hoping it don't rain this weekend. I will be outside grilling!

Mr Dixon
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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #5


Originally posted by Dale

Uggg Now I want a burger. I am hoping it don't rain this weekend. I will be outside grilling!


My man! hahaha I am doing the same myself. Going to have some buddies over for some burgers, beers, and poker game. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #6

I am simple. I like pizza. I would take pizza over most food options and eat it several times a week. haha

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Re: What's your favorite meal?
post #7


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly I am simple. I like pizza. I would take pizza over most food options and eat it several times a week. haha


Same here! big_smile

I actually enjoy making it myself at home though I do order out. Pizza from different places and different makes tastes so different.