"If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"

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"If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #1

So when a shorter man has confidence and is cocky, tough, ect, he is said to have a Napoleon complex? This is what I just read. I have to admit, I have been called mightly mouse a number of times and most of the time is pissed me off but I ignored it. I guess what makes me mad about this is that Napoleon was a leader, and powerful in his time but because he was 5'6, people in todays world, or the last century atleast, have made jokes about him being short. I have seen it in cartoons and heard it in jokes. So they take this powerful leader and reduce it to a joke. Why did you do what he did? I can assure you it wasn't to make up for his height, so why joke about it!?

Dark Willow
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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #2

I have had this happen with me a few times. People would say I had the "short man complex" because I simply stood up for what I believe in. I wasn't doing it to prove I am manly, I was doing it to prove I was right and what I was doing was worth it.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #3

It is a shame that people think men who are short with confidence have some sort of "condition" This not only shows that short men should be ashamed and insecure but shows others they should feel above them. It is all conditional thinking.

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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #4

A friend of mine who is on the shorter side does MMA fighting and people always say this about him. He isn't the way he is because of his height. He grew up in a bad area and had to learn to defend himself.

Mr Dixon
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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #5


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly It is a shame that people think men who are short with confidence have some sort of "condition" This not only shows that short men should be ashamed and insecure but shows others they should feel above them. It is all conditional thinking.


The only condition here is conditioed thinking. I mean lets be honest. When people consider a physical trate a condition, one that has no good or bad effect on their health... That is sick. 

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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #6

So any man who is on the shorter side, who also has confidence, has a condition? What about taller guys who have confidence? I never liked this term.

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Re: "If You're Assertive, You'll Be Accused of Having a Napoleon Complex"
post #7


Originally posted by Dark Willow I have had this happen with me a few times. People would say I had the "short man complex" because I simply stood up for what I believe in. I wasn't doing it to prove I am manly, I was doing it to prove I was right and what I was doing was worth it.


This caused a lot of fights when I was younger. I know that ain't right but I am not going to be pushed around and thought of weak by other men because of my height.