See any movies lately?

Dark Willow
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See any movies lately?
post #1

I don't go to the movies. I prefer to watch them at home. Much quieter and I can pause it if I need to. Anyways, I am looking for some things to watch. I will be going on a road trip and I am going to bring my Chrome book with me. I want to load some videos on a USB. 

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Re: See any movies lately?
post #2

Birdman, Boyhood, Interstellar to name a few were all very good.

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Re: See any movies lately?
post #3


Originally posted by GoKnicks Birdman, Boyhood, Interstellar to name a few were all very good.


I honestly didn't think I would like Boyhood but it was a very good movie. I loved what the diretor did with it. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: See any movies lately?
post #4

Birdman was good but I didn't see Boyhood. I heard mixed reviews and I don't tend to lie slow paced movies.

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Re: See any movies lately?
post #5

I am not big on movies so I would only suggest things that you probably seen already.

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Re: See any movies lately?
post #6

Just saw

The Help