Who drinks soda?

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Who drinks soda?
post #1

I am not a fan of it really myself but every once in a while I get the taste and I have to have a dr pepper. I prefer it to any other one and I still havent figured out the actual flavor of it

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Re: Who drinks soda?
post #2

I like coke but don't drink it much anymore. Maybe once or twice a week.

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Re: Who drinks soda?
post #3

I loved anything carbonated. I know it isn't healthy but I am a sucker for the bubbles. I grew up not being able or aloud to drink it so when I hit 14 and started sneaking it, I been drinking it since. My favorite has to be the fruit ones though lile Fanta orange.

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Re: Who drinks soda?
post #4

Anything that is fizzy I am a fan of. I personally love Fanta Orange.

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Re: Who drinks soda?
post #5


Originally posted by Jinx

Anything that is fizzy I am a fan of. I personally love Fanta Orange.

I grew up drinking that! I used to love the grape soda too. I haven't had either in a long time. Now I have a taste for both haha I may have to run out later to get some tongue