Do you think women change with age?

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Do you think women change with age?
post #1

A friend of my older sister's used to say she is only going to marry a tall man because she wants her kids to grow up and be good in life. I nevr understood what the f she meant by this. She said this in her teens, and 20's. Now that she is in her 30's and still single, I think she had dropped that thought. He new boyfriend is 5'7 and balding! No offense to him but her whole life she always made fun of short guys, bald guys, old guys, fat guys, ect. 

Do you think women change with age?

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #2

Yeah I have seen it. It is the same with men. I knew a guy who refused to date any woman who was larger than a size 3. He was like this through middle and heigh school, even into college. The woman he ended up marrying is a size 16. When I seen him last I asked him what changed and he said that women who are all about their bodies aren't the marrying type. He wanted a woman who would eat and willing to want to please him. 

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #3

Men age like fine wine. Women age like spoiled milk. 

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #4


Originally posted by JamesFreakingFranco

Men age like fine wine. Women age like spoiled milk. 

HEY!! Not all women do! I find this offensive. angry

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #5

Yeah I believe everyone does. We either grow up or dumb down. Some people never grow up and are stuck in the "i want to get wasted because it's fun" mindset. 

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #6

Well most people change not just women. I think they say every 7 years we change depending on who we are around the most. We adapt and shift. That is why it is best to have friends who wont make you a worse person.

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Re: Do you think women change with age?
post #7


Originally posted by Spider

Well most people change not just women. I think they say every 7 years we change depending on who we are around the most. We adapt and shift. That is why it is best to have friends who wont make you a worse person.


Yup I agree with this. You can't assume people will stay the same forever.