Does more muscle make you look shorter?

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Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #1

I know two guys. They are the same height, about 5'10 each. One is thin, like 28 inch waist or so. The other is about like 34... He has bigger arms and legs as well. When I see them next to each other, the thinner dude looks taller for some reason, even though I know he isn't. 

Short Squire
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Re: Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #2

I think it can and does on some men but not all. I guess that is the same for women who are bigger. if they carry more weight, they look shorter.


Dark Willow
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Re: Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #3

Yeah I can see why. The same with stripes going side to side making you look fatter and up and down making you look thinner.


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Re: Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #4

Yeah it does. I put on some muscle the last year or so and I thought I shrank but I actually grew like .3 inches. lol It is all how the eyes play tricks.

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Re: Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #5

I think body mass in general tricks the eye into thinking someone is shorter vs taller. The trade off being that a really skinny guy who "bulks" up looks shorter, but if they "cut" after the muscle gain the body recomposition is likely worth the marginal change in visual height.



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Re: Does more muscle make you look shorter?
post #6

Yeah I agree with most of the comments too I mean it is all a eye trick just like certain clothing makes us thinner or wider.