Women Goes On Blind Date With Short Man. Ends Up Marrying Him

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Women Goes On Blind Date With Short Man. Ends Up Marrying Him
post #1

Short Vassal
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Re: Women Goes On Blind Date With Short Man. Ends Up Marrying Him
post #2

So basically, if his friend didn't lie, she would still be a heightist and probably wouldn't have dated him.

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Re: Women Goes On Blind Date With Short Man. Ends Up Marrying Him
post #3

The great thing about this story is that he didn't get angry when she made the disparaging comment. It's not really "confidence", but he walked in with an "I don't give a damn" attitude and that is what won her over.

Once he showed her he was okay with it, SHE ended up being okay with it. And if she turned him down? Tough noogies, on to the next one!