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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Dynzell Sigers one year after leg lengthening

Impressive considering what he had done and what he's been through. Going from 5'5 - 5'11 (a whole six inches) is no easy feat. So many were clowning him telling him how he'd walk funny for the rest of his life and now he's eating routines in the gym seemingly more than people who never had any sort of procedure and are lazy when they walk into their local fitness center. 

Regardless of what detractors have to say, this guy is going to live a fulfilling life from here on in on his own terms. 

1 57
Mon Oct 14, 2024 06:21 PM
Man discusses how people react to his new height post LL

It sounds like people were blown away and social cues change (positively).

2 379
Sat Sep 07, 2024 09:37 PM
Mini-documentary on YouTube about Leg Lengthening

0 78
Sun Jul 28, 2024 08:06 AM
This guy had leg and clavicle lengthening. Never heard of the latter!

I never knew that clavicle lengthening was a thing. You really can do anything these days.

0 78
Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:24 PM
Strydenali recounts his leg lengthening surgery

He talks about and has footage of portions of the entire process.

Phenomenal video. He communicates so well, to the point where you feel like you were there with him every step of the way.


0 159
Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:10 AM
The men breaking their legs to be TALLER.

April Clucks delves into the world of leg lengthening and the impact societal expecations has on shorter guys.

1 258
Tue Jul 23, 2024 08:24 AM
Guy shows off his athletic abilities two years after Leg Lengthening

This video isn't absent of comments criticizing the patient for getting it and putting down the procedure and as a ticket to lifetime orthopedic issues, but any arguments against should be quelled when seeing how happy an agile this guy is two years post-procedure.

0 55
Wed Jul 17, 2024 08:29 AM
Leg Lengthening is getting better and more inexpensive

I've been following leg lengthening for some time now. From watching doctors explain how it works on YouTube, testimonials and Vlogs from people who actually had the procedure done, to dedicated leg lengthening forums where people do everything from plan their lives around the procedure to to lurkers who are on the fence about getting it. 

One thing is clear though, the price of the surgery has plummeted internationally from where it was ten years ago and the operations are becoming more frequent. This could mean that if international relations stabilize, the technology used to achieve safe LL will continue to enter the market and prices will continue to fall. In the beginning, it could only be achieved with external fixators. Then Precise was introduced, and now there is Precise 2.0.

There was a video that I watched of a young Indian man getting the procedure in New York and spending $200K. Now in many places, you can have this done for $75K-$100K. In some parts of Europe, you can get this done for $50K. I am not advocating that anyone who is interested in this surgery gets it on the cheap, that would be a fool's game. With that though, the next generation of people who are interested in Leg Lengthening will have it much easier. Who knows what tech will be introduced in the short term. Maybe doctors will even get to a point where they can reopen the growth plates.

All in all, it means that shorter guys who are really struggling out there, or men who are not happy with their height will have a bit more leverage if they have the money.

2 175
Sun Jul 14, 2024 09:31 PM
These men paid over $100K to get taller.


The presenter in this video said "If god made me short, I wouldn't do it". Umm, yes he would if he could.

The man only knows life as a 5'11 man and doesn't deal with the societal shunning that comes with being a short man.

3 259
Wed Jul 10, 2024 08:30 AM
Leg Lengthening is being performed more commonly now thank you think

Brian Sanchez Spent $81K On Leg Lengthening | Height | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Hugo Ramirez Spent $80K On Leg Lengthening | Height | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

Four stories within the last year. The NY Post tends to sensationalize things, but I cannot remember a time prior where stories like these popped up so frequently.

You can find the New York Post articles about Dynzell Sigers here, Brian Sanchez here, Theresia Fischer here  and Hugo Ramirez here.

0 140
Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:56 AM
Doctor checks short woman complaining about men getting LL

She can't understand "why a man would go through this grueling procedure", but when asked if she has a height preference, she thinks she is saying something when she says, "I don't care how tall my man is as long as he's taller than me".

The doctor quickly pointed out the "as long as". Brilliant call-out on this part.

0 135
Sat Jun 29, 2024 05:24 AM
Any horror stories with Leg Lengthening

I am considering leg lengthening to go from my current height (5'5 1/2) to 5'8, so a little under 3 inches. All I see online are success stories. Are there any horror stories or botched stories that anyone has whether it be through personal experience or that they've read about online?

I ask just so I can get past success bias and see the bigger picture if there is any. 

2 224
Fri Jun 28, 2024 07:28 AM
6 foot man in wheelchair possibly permanently after Leg Lengthening

All of this for 1.5 inches of extra height. The man was already 6'. This is insanity.

0 189
Wed Jun 26, 2024 08:52 PM
Bullied woman regrets Leg Lengthening surgery

I'm not so sure I understand the slant of this article. It talks about her being bullied and that being her motivation to get leg lengthening, but then tries to pin the disaster on her husband saying that "she did it for him". What?

You can find the News 24 article here.

0 173
Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:53 PM
Why are so many people viscerally opposed to leg lengthening?

There are so many types of plastic surgery that people get daily and from my observation, none of it gets as much push back as Leg Lengthening surgery. I know dozens of women who have undergone breast augmentation, rib removal, rhinoplasties, scar reduction, tummy tucks, butt lifts, botox, you name it. There are men who have scalp micropigmentation, hair replacement and take roids. Socially, none of this is met with the amount of hatred and opposition as leg lengthening in comparison. Braces, which are commonplace can dramatically change the look of someone's face and appearance. And aren't crooked teeth genetic?

Have you seen the comments under leg lengthening videos on YouTube? Every comment is about the guy's "insecurity", having a "horrible personality", how he's "cheating", being a "narcissist" and stuff of the like. Then you'll also find comments attacking the man's height.

I have no interest in leg lengthening honestly, but I don't see the big deal if a man chooses that path. All of these other cosmetic operations are done for the same exact reasons from the recipient's point of view and for the greater social benefit from having fewer imperfections. 


3 306
Sun Jun 09, 2024 04:06 PM
"Inside The World Of Leg Lengthening"

Mini-documentary highlights actor who went from 5'5 to 5'8 and examines the Leg Lengthening industry. 

9 348
Sat May 18, 2024 08:00 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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