Leg Lengthening is getting better and more inexpensive

Short Vassal
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Leg Lengthening
Leg Lengthening is getting better and more inexpensive
post #1

I've been following leg lengthening for some time now. From watching doctors explain how it works on YouTube, testimonials and Vlogs from people who actually had the procedure done, to dedicated leg lengthening forums where people do everything from plan their lives around the procedure to to lurkers who are on the fence about getting it. 

One thing is clear though, the price of the surgery has plummeted internationally from where it was ten years ago and the operations are becoming more frequent. This could mean that if international relations stabilize, the technology used to achieve safe LL will continue to enter the market and prices will continue to fall. In the beginning, it could only be achieved with external fixators. Then Precise was introduced, and now there is Precise 2.0.

There was a video that I watched of a young Indian man getting the procedure in New York and spending $200K. Now in many places, you can have this done for $75K-$100K. In some parts of Europe, you can get this done for $50K. I am not advocating that anyone who is interested in this surgery gets it on the cheap, that would be a fool's game. With that though, the next generation of people who are interested in Leg Lengthening will have it much easier. Who knows what tech will be introduced in the short term. Maybe doctors will even get to a point where they can reopen the growth plates.

All in all, it means that shorter guys who are really struggling out there, or men who are not happy with their height will have a bit more leverage if they have the money.

Short Vassal
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Re: Leg Lengthening is getting better and more inexpensive
post #2

I'm on the fence. I have strongly considered getting this to go up to 5'9, but having and being able to afford the right doctor is a non-negotiable.

I've read countless forums threads and watched hundreds of video on this subject,. and the only doctor I would trust is Dr. Paley in Florida. The surgery is close to $200K if done in the U.S. and you would need down time of at least six months to a year which at this stage of my career is not possible.

While the surgery is getting better, there would need to be an incredible leap forward which would minimize the downtime. Considering the psychological and real world benefits, I think even with current cost, it is worth every penny when you consider you are tampering with your legs!

Short Vassal
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Re: Leg Lengthening is getting better and more inexpensive
post #3

I think it will take a long time for this surgery to get "better". We're talking about your bones man. 

I keep reading about this possibility of "reopening growth plates", but those who are excited about it make it sound like it would be really simple.