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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Tall woman proposes to shorter man at Disney World.

They actually proposed to each other and guessing by the comments, neither knew they were going to be proposed to. I personally as a guy can't imagine being proposed to, but she seized the moment! 

0 135
Sun May 05, 2024 06:12 AM
Austin Dunham - "Here's what your height says about you".

Ignorant guy thinks he has it all figured out. 

Video is here (YouTube).

2 273
Tue Apr 30, 2024 02:16 PM
Height-boosting surgery eyed by some 'short kings' (ABC News)

I remember when this surgery was tight-lipped and considered ultra-rare due to expense and lack of facilities willing to perform it, but the cat is out of the bag. It seems like every other month there is a special on someone who went through with it.

1 272
Tue Apr 30, 2024 09:24 AM
Started by LilIce
Hi everyone.

New to the board. Hailing from Brick City/Newark, NJ!

Nice to see that a place like this exists.

0 94
Tue Apr 30, 2024 08:45 AM
Highs And Lows Of An Englishman's Height Over 2000 Years

Research study highlighting a rise and decline of average height in cycles in England from the Roman period to the present. 

The article can be found here. (Oxford University)


0 110
Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:10 PM
She says she must be ugly because she only attracts short men.

She Thinks She Is Ugly Because She Attracts Short Men II | Dating | Short King | Emily Eagelston | Short Kingz

Says she and her friend must either be "really hot" or "really ugly" because they both constantly attract short men on dating apps. 

Video is here. (TikTok)

0 113
Sun Apr 28, 2024 04:37 AM
Guy says "Tall privilege is real" because "Shreks pull baddies".

Guy goes on a rant about how he's seen (tall) men looking "straight out of American horror story" (homely) date women who look like they're "straight out of riverdale" (dainty).

Video is here. (Instragram)

0 111
Sun Apr 28, 2024 04:24 AM
Girlfriend photoshops him to make him look taller in photo

A whole series can be done on what people do to make themseleves look like they're living the perfect life on social media. 


0 187
Sun Apr 28, 2024 04:11 AM
Subreddit makes fun of "heightism", calls it "mythical"

The comments are what you would expect. 

Why the comparison to historical atrocities? 

0 405
Sat Apr 27, 2024 06:54 AM
Guy gets destroyed by his dream girl. Take a guess why.

The comments are nothing less than supportive though which is a nice surprise. 🏆

0 285
Thu Apr 25, 2024 09:54 AM
Economist: Online daters less open-minded than their filters suggest

The chart in the article by The Economist allows you to select how each gender filters by race, age and height. I have to say after reading the artice and engaging with the chart that none of the data is surprising and regurgitates what most of us already know, especially as it pertains to height.

One thing that stood out as I shared this with friends is how rigid the shortest of men are when it comes to their height filters. Some of my female collegues tried to use this as a "gotchya", with, "see, shorter men don't want to date taller women and there are lots who would date them". I say "WRONG". Shorter men already know they are not sought after by taller women, so they set their filters accordingly. What say you?

The article can be found here

2 280
Thu Apr 25, 2024 07:42 AM
Research notes link between height and divorce

This an older article (about ten years old), but makes a link between height in divorce. In short, taller men marry earlier but are at higher risk for divorce. Shorter men marry later and have more stable marriages.

The link to the study can be found here

1 191
Thu Apr 25, 2024 06:45 AM
Older men on the board. What was college dating like for you?

College dating is tough. In High School, I was an extrovert. I still am, but it seems like even the shortest women want tall men. At my college, there is this one girl I was interested in. We chat each other up all of the time in class and she seemed interested. When I asked her out on a date, she told me that she had a boyfriend. Saw her with her boyfriend (first time seeing them together) a week later on campus after our Spring Break and he had to be at least 6'4. The girl? 5'1.

I went to a party two weeks ago, chatted up another girl here (we never met before), and when I asked for her number, she busted out laughing saying she could never see herself with a guy as short as me. How embarrassing it was! This woman, not to be mean wasn't even my type. All of this happened in front of a few of my buddies. They laughed also.

It wasn't like this in High School. My older brother is two inches taller than me and told me he never had problems dating in college. Some of my taller friends tell me that it's all in my head. I'm generally liked by a lot of my schoolmates, but unlike High School, it seems like every woman wants to only date taller men.

All is not bad though. I had a date this week and it went okay. She says she wanted to see me again, but her body language didn't match what she said and she was on her phone through most of the date.

For the older guys here, was it like this when you were in uni? What advice do you have?

1 354
Wed Apr 24, 2024 07:37 PM
Started by admin
Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar
American Musician, Entertainer, Actor, Rapper
Height: 5ft5
Photo Credit: Christian San Jose/Top Dawg Entertainment/UMG

2 675
Wed Apr 24, 2024 06:40 PM
Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?

I'm not referring to having acne or being overweight, rather being completely and unequivicoally hideous in the face. 

I ask this question because I have been on sites whose target demographic are the "facially challenged" and have seen similar sentiments to what I have read on boards that cater to shorter guys (though not so much this one since we seem to have a lot of confident shorter men here). 

Maybe I'm biased because I myself am short so think everything can be "fixed". The men who claim they are "ugly" seem like if they put effort into their appearance (hair, clothes) etc, they'd be just fine. Or maybe those guys would think the same about us!

Is if confirmation bias or do you all think otherwise? 

2 211
Wed Apr 24, 2024 06:22 PM
Poll: How tall are your girlfriends?

How tall are you and how tall is she? How did you meet?

2 861
Wed Apr 24, 2024 06:17 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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