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Pages: 1 |
She Is 4'11, But Calls Men Under 5'6 Midgets
4'11/150cm. Doubt she'd give 5'7 men a chance either, but that's just an educated guess... |
0 | 91 | by TheLastInch |
Started by TheMog
She is upset short men like her profile
The way I see it, it's just another one upset that the men she likes, she doesn't qualify for. |
1 | 121 | by Suarez223 |
King Richez reviews height shaming profiles on Tinder
King Richez always out there fighting the good fight. Though he is reviewing another guy reviewing dating profiles. They're both right though. The condescending bits about height on their profiles would be considered "fat-phobic" and "misogynist" if it were about women and their weight or height. |
1 | 143 | by ChuckChill |
She loves short kings but she doesn't love short kings
Make this make sense. |
1 | 140 | by DoYouLift |
What it's like to be in the top 10% of men.
Austin Dunham reads his tinder messages without filter on his YouTube channel. It's supposedly supposed to be about your "personality". He has women asking when he's going to swing by with very little conversation. |
1 | 198 | by ant675 |
Black women angry at Hinge say changing race gives better options
I don't know where to begin on this. This is no shade at Black Women, but we all know the reality of the dating hierarchy. This complaint to me falls on deaf ears. Of course if you change your race you will get more options. If I changed my height to 6'4, yes, I'll attract super models, women in high earning professions and the whole nine. My response to this is no spit Sherlock... |
1 | 190 | |
Started by Buncome
She Demands Men Under 6 Feet Swipe Left.
Found in the wild. Even better, she's only 5'2 demanding men 10 inches taller or "better". |
4 | 301 | by jacksplat |
Caught this on Tinder. What makes her think I'd want to be friends?
You can thank her for being upfront. It begs the question though as to why she would think any man under 6' would look at this and say, "Yea! I want to be her friend!" 🙅 No thanks! |
1 | 198 | by TheCoolGuy |
She says "Being taller than her is a green flag"
Saw this online. Good to know that you can learn to be taller than her so you can be a green flag in her eyes. She also says being a great communicator is a good thing, but will most likely send one word replies. 🙄 |
1 | 147 | by theyoungone |
Started by joshbaskins
Here's another one.
"Don't be short, fat, or a slob".... |
1 | 173 | by theyoungone |
Started by joshbaskins
Today's Dating Profile
0 | 1,013 | by joshbaskins |
Pages: 1