Member Profiles: alexvs
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- alexvs
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Recent Posts From alexvs
Danielle Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Tom Cruise, Edward Furlong (John Connor from Terminator 2), Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone), Lorenz Tate (21 Jump Street) and Nick Jonas are a few that come to mind. Any idea as to why that is, or am I just cherry picking?
You aren't cherry picking as such, although as has been pointed out there are plenty of examples of child stars that aren't short. However, what happens a lot with child actors is that for a child character of a particular age, an older short child is cast instead of an average height kid that is the same age as the character. This makes sense since an older short kid will be more mature and easier to direct than a same age average height kid. There are even tropes about this, such as the "Teens are short" trope on
I never thought about that perspective. You may be right. It may sound petty, but generally speaking, any man you bring into your home may be a threat.
I also remember as far back as high school that some girls chose the guys they went out with based on whether the guy was taller the their dad or not. Especially, if the guy was a lot taller than their dad. This was to have their dads be intimidated by the size of their boyfriends.
How tall was the dad? Could he have been worried the boyfriend would be taller than him?
Hi Alexvs. Welcome to the forum! Did you get your surgery done here in the US? What was the cost and how long ago did you have it?
Yes, I got my surgery done in the US. I had it done a little over 5 years ago, so I'm long since fully recovered and am still happy with the results. I don't feel comfortable revealing how much I spent on this publicly. Feel free to send me a private message, and I will tell you how much I spent.