Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is

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Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #1

I am a part time bartender here in a college town and overheard a dad ask his daughter (who was sitting down) how tall the guy she likes is. The daughter responded "taller than me, but not by that much" to which the father said "He better be haha. I hope so!". 

What a crappy moment. Why do questions like this even come up? How about "what is his major"?, What are his interests"? No, it's "how tall is he".

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #2

I think most parents are dissapointed if their daughters are bringing home a guy who is their height or shorter, just how it is, like if a guy is bringing home a unnatractive or a heavyset girl their parents are like "uhh" , unless of course that guy and girl are nothing themselves and I am guessing desperate for anything, reality is a guys height and a girls beauty are what is attractive in the opposite sex and parents want the best for their kids

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #3

How tall was the dad?  Could he have been worried the boyfriend would be taller than him?

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #4


Originally posted by alexvs

How tall was the dad?  Could he have been worried the boyfriend would be taller than him?

I never thought about that perspective. You may be right. It may sound petty, but generally speaking, any man you bring into your home may be a threat. 

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #5


Originally posted by TheDestroyer

I never thought about that perspective. You may be right. It may sound petty, but generally speaking, any man you bring into your home may be a threat. 

I also remember as far back as high school that some girls chose the guys they went out with based on whether the guy was taller the their dad or not.  Especially, if the guy was a lot taller than their dad.  This was to have their dads be intimidated by the size of their boyfriends.

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #6


Originally posted by alexvs


I also remember as far back as high school that some girls chose the guys they went out with based on whether the guy was taller the their dad or not.  Especially, if the guy was a lot taller than their dad.  This was to have their dads be intimidated by the size of their boyfriends.

This supervisor at my job recently was frustrated at his daughter (who didn't work there) because she dated one of his subordinates who was 6'4. This tall guy played her like a guitar. The supervisor who was about 5'8 only gave him dirty looks. I remember the subordinate telling me the story. He put his arms together and said "what are you going to do"? when describing me the look he gave back to the supervisor.

So I see what you mean. It makes sense. 

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #7


Originally posted by CorporateGuy


Originally posted by alexvs


I also remember as far back as high school that some girls chose the guys they went out with based on whether the guy was taller the their dad or not.  Especially, if the guy was a lot taller than their dad.  This was to have their dads be intimidated by the size of their boyfriends.

This supervisor at my job recently was frustrated at his daughter (who didn't work there) because she dated one of his subordinates who was 6'4. This tall guy played her like a guitar. The supervisor who was about 5'8 only gave him dirty looks. I remember the subordinate telling me the story. He put his arms together and said "what are you going to do"? when describing me the look he gave back to the supervisor.

So I see what you mean. It makes sense. 

Sounds more like he was more frustrated that his subordinate was dating his daughter, not so much the height thing.

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Re: Overheard a dad ask his daughter how tall the guy she likes is
post #8

I agree with some of the above posts. He could have been relieved that the boyfriend was shorter than him so that just in case he feels there's a need to beat him up (this kind of mentality needs to be questioned), he'd make an easier opponent.

 Some fathers like for their daughters to have a tall boyfriend though because they think that he will protect them better. It's like the boyfriend or future husband would take over their place. It's pretty sad that we still live in a world where before they concern themselves about the personality of the person/who they are, they are focused on physical traits in terms of who can beat up who. It makes me wonder what's with this caveman mentality lol.