Member Profiles: Dark Willow
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Recent Posts From Dark Willow
That sucks! Where do you shop at? I honestly don't have much of an issue anymore. I did when I was younger but now I know where to go for certain things.
I never gave it much thought but it does seem rediculious. I don't know why, maybe because of their higher standards?
Same here but now it is making me wonder what these standards are. I mean gay men run the fasion industry don't they?
This isn't so black and white. Sure the guy makes a great point. I mean I don't like Asian women and wont date them becaue I don't find them attractive. Does that mean I am racist?!? No! I am just not attracted to their appreance. (Likely one of very few men to say this LOL)
I get what you mean. Just because you don't like to "date" a certain race or find them sexually attractive it doesn't make you a racist so why would a height preference make a woman a bad person?