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Recent Posts From Dark Willow
I was watching that show Tosh.0 a few weeks ago and he said something along the lines of...He doesn't have to work out or work on his body because he is tall (and not fat) so muscles don't effect his dating game. He made a joke about how short guys need muscle to compete with taller guys. I can't recall his exact wording but I guess there is some truth to it.
If you like taller men, that is fine, but don't swear off shorter guys all together. I have heard of women connecting and having deep conversations with guys who they thought were attractive (in the face and all) then come to find out they aren't 6' and dump them.
I have had this happen with me a few times. People would say I had the "short man complex" because I simply stood up for what I believe in. I wasn't doing it to prove I am manly, I was doing it to prove I was right and what I was doing was worth it.
I hate to say it but I too believe this to be true because the way society is. Think about it. People are so obsessed on their outward appearance it is sick. You know what lasts? Being a good person. Loving your friends and family. Being a good mother or father. We will all get older, fatter, wrinklier... What does that matter? It shouldn't. But sadly, it does.