Member Profiles: Dez
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Recent Posts From Dez
@Dez: How old are you? What type of workout program? What is your diet like?
Realistically 6 weeks is a bit early to see major changes unless you are implementing a pretty drastic program.
FWIW: I am 37, follow the Leangains eating program and powerlift/Accessory lift/ use kettle bells. Started by using the 5X5 Stronglifts app and the Leangains program and then tweaked my lifting program to mirror the reddit AMA from /r/Leangains user 31minutes. Took me 12 weeks to see any real change and 9 months in it is a drastic change.
Last Sunday:
I do basic body resistance and lift with weights. I have one of them door weights as well. I usually eat one meal packed with healthy protein before or after my work out. I am 29 btw.
I wouldn't say I struggle but I know it should be easier for me. If I really stuck it out, I can probably pack on a good 10 pounds of muscle in 2 months.
That seems like so much though. Do you drink any supplements?
Women like this need to be called out by men of all heights for what they truly are.. Feminist pigs.
This is a complex thing. You are shorter and likely look younger (props to you). She sees him.. taller and older looking, and assumes. A lot of women who date nothing but taller guys do this.