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Recent Posts From DoYouLift
not from what i have observed-asian women in the US are some of the biggest heightists when it comes to dating. they MAY settle for a 5'8 guy if he is extremely good looking but barring that a mans height is a close second to his being white.
I live in Queens, NY which has an extremely huge Asian population (look up Flushing Queens as an example). Seeing Asian women with shorter white guys are a dime a dozen and not some profound exception. They're everywhere here, so it's not just the tall white guys who are getting the action. Maybe it's where you live that it's not as common.
I can't even look at the host without laughing. 😂
asian women (at least in the US) seem to have a strong preference for tall, white men
Honestly, it wouldn't matter if the guy were 5'8 even. Asian women "preferring" to pair up with white men is very common in most east coast cities. Bi-racial asian/white mix is very common where I'm from. I've seen Asian women reject shorter Asian guys and then date a white guy who was the same height as the Asian guy she just rejected.
Welcome. Yes, despite the conjecture, most of my girlfriends were near my height or much shorter.