Member Profiles: GoKnicks
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I hope it went well! Them first dates are always to hardest! haha
It does for me. Something about the woman being short makes positions line up better for me. I don't want to go into detail but the one taller girlfriend I had years back, she was 5'7 (I am 5'6) and the sex was never good.
My life long friend Dan got married last fall. He got picked on all our lives, and when we hung out at public events for school, we were teased pretty bad. He is 5'3 and I am 5'6. He was one of the shortest guys at the school. There was only one who was short and he had a stunted growth problem. Dan's family is all short. His mom is only 4'9 his father is 5'4, and his sister is 4'11.
Well, he married a woman who is his height and she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Don't worry, I don't think of her like that! lol But he grew up being told he would marry a keebler elf and live in a tree. It was some pretty nasty stuff. Well he ran into one of these dudes while out with his wife the other day and he was considered the coolest in our grade. His name was Jake. Well Jake was not only over weight but he had lost half his hair. When he realized that Dan's wife was who she was, he didn't know what to say.
Moral of the story is this. Don't let what people say in High school dictate your live. You are worth something and deserve happiness.
I guess I can say they do to a point. I mean I am not all that concerned with it but being only 5'6, any woman over 5'8 makes me look too little. I won't date a woman taller than me. I prefer them to be 2 to 6 inches shorter actually.