Met a great woman

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Met a great woman
post #1

So I was out getting lost in a Target trying to find a gift for my brother's daughter's 7th Bday and this woman appraoches me asking me what age I was shopping for. We started talking, she asked about my daughter, I explained it was not for mine.... yada yada yada. To cut to the point, I will be going out with her Monday evening. She is a few years older with a little girl. I never dated a woman with a girl before so I am a bit worried on that but it wont scare me off. Anyways, need some tips! Where should I take her?

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Re: Met a great woman
post #2

Great dude! I am happy for ya. I would say a movie and dinner is always a good option. That seems to be a standard first date for most people. Just make sure you pick a good movie that you both will enjoy or both mutually hate haha

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Re: Met a great woman
post #3

If it is nice outside and she likes nature, a walk in the park might be nice. Not sure if you went yet or not, I know it is nice outside by me.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Met a great woman
post #4

Good for you! I hope it goes well. I personally like going to the Zoo. I know that sounds strange but I have been on a few Zoo dates and have loved them.

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Re: Met a great woman
post #5

I hope it went well! Them first dates are always to hardest! haha

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Re: Met a great woman
post #6

Thanks all. She ended up canceling but we are going out tonight. I am trying to stay calm haha We are going to go out to eat then go play some bowling. She brought up that her and a bunch of her friends used to go play every weekend so I thought it would be nice. She is driving here, then I am driving to the restaurant and the bowling ally.

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Re: Met a great woman
post #7

> Spider wrote: > Thanks all. She ended up canceling but we are going out tonight. I am trying to stay calm haha We are going to go out to eat then go play some bowling. She brought up that her and a bunch of her friends used to go play every weekend so I thought it would be nice. She is driving here, then I am driving to the restaurant and the bowling ally.


That sounds great! Hope you have a good time. smile

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Re: Met a great woman
post #8

Don't let her win!! lol I am joking. I haven't been bowling in so many years. It sounds like it would be lots of fun smile