Member Profiles: MrNo1
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Recent Posts From MrNo1
I am one of the guys who could care less about what shoes a woman wears, but why do so many women makes their shoes a non-negotiating factor when choosing a partner?
He can't be anymore than 5'4-5'4.5 IMO
I've dated a few fat women. Not everyone one is the same. If you are not attracted to fat women then don't date them. The fat women I dated, were intimate with or had a friend with benefits situation were all pretty in the face and had bodacious personalities. Not every dog wants a bone!
There was a piece done on this in a documentary called Short & Male a few years ago. I'm positive that height discrimination happens more in business than we can imagine. Whenever I go into group interviews, it's almost palpable. I'm not paranoid or anything, but you can tell when someone is talking down to you.