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If you’ve ever seen the inside of a fashionista’s wardrobe, you may be forgiven for assuming that the range of shoes available to men is extremely limited – even non-existent. Howeve ...
It's October and we're a few days away from the beginning of the MLB World Series. We're actually six days away to see which team will be crowned ...
Fall has to be my favorite season hands down. The air gets crisp, the colors of the leaves change, the world series is just on the horizon and preparation for the year's best holidays gets underwa ...
Lets face it, we have all met heightist women online from the blatant and curt, "Do NOT contact me if you are under 5’ 10” (note the ...
When it comes to fashion, it's all about looking great and feeling comfortable. Being able to create a unique look that coincides with current trends will make you stand out. Have social clout and ...
Most if not all short men will admit to having faced discrimination be it subtle or overt frequently in their lives. Even though this discrimination, "H ...